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Kathy Carton

Senior Associate






Despite being New Jersey born and raised, Kathy began her career in homeless services in California where she travelled across the country to embark on a year of volunteer service. Since moving back to the East Coast, she has focused her energies on the public housing sector. During her 15-year tenure with the Boston Housing Authority, Kathy worked on four major mixed-finance redevelopments where she honed her skills in program management, the design and implementation of human capital initiatives as well as relocation plans and programs. 


Over the past 10 years with EJP, Kathy has relished the opportunity to travel further afield, sharing her expertise with communities across the country to improve their housing options and the quality of life available to their residents. This expertise includes housing and neighborhood revitalization technical assistance, Choice Neighborhoods Planning Coordinator and Program Management Services, Designing and Implementing Human Capital Development Programs and Initiatives; Survey Development, Implementation and Analysis; Relocation Planning and Implementation Guidance; Grant Writing.  


As time permits, Kathy also enjoys feeding her more creative impulses by continually developing her metalsmithing skills - hand-fabricating jewelry from precious metals and stones – and dabbling in watercolor painting and print making. 



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