Galveston Housing Authority
2009 - current
Galveston, TX
Development Advisory Services
Human Capital
In the wake of Hurricane Ike (2011), EJP worked with the Galveston Housing Authority (GHA) Board and staff to strategize a Rebuilding Plan, create a Disaster Recovery Master Plan, and provide development implementation support. EJP assisted GHA procure a master developer; negotiated business terms; and provided design and construction oversight including closing out the CDBG-DR grant. EJP offered technical assistance develop and implement a human capital plan. Subsequently, EJP provided mixed-finance technical assistance related to redeveloping two public housing sites using CDBG Disaster Recovery funds in partnership with a private developer. EJP continues to collaborate with GHA as development advisor in the implementation of the Oleander master plan as well as technical advisor for scattered site portfolio repositioning.