Choice Planning Grants
Implementation Grants Awarded
Local Funds
Choice Neighborhoods Grant Recipients FY 2023-2024
EJP served as grant writer for the following successful clients for the FY23-FY24 application period:​
Phoenix Housing Department | Supplemental Grant FY23 + FY24
Housing Authority of the City of Baltimore | Supplemental Grant FY23
Orlando Housing Authority | Planning Grant FY23
Daytona Beach Housing Authority | Planning Grant FY23
Chattanooga Housing Authority | Implementation Grant FY24
Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority | Implementation Grant FY24
Oxnard Housing Authority | Planning Grant FY24
As the planning coordinator, EJP facilitates comprehensive planning processes with extensive engagement to create actionable, community-driven plans. EJP also helps its clients develop a financing plan and obtain funds to carry out holistic neighborhood revitalization programs.
Feasibility Assessment
Assess community readiness (capacity, partnerships, leverage, required data) and ability to meet threshold requirements
Determine suitability of target neighborhood boundaries and/or target housing site(s)
Conduct initial application score for competitiveness and focus
Grant Application PreparationÂ
Review of changes between current Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and past NOFO/A’s
Manage application process
Facilitate resident/community meetings
Write and edit narrative and prepare attachments
Packaged grant application
Planning Coordinator/
Technical Advisor
Coordinate the planning process for neighborhood, housing and people
Design and manage administration of resident and community surveys
Neighborhood assessments, analyze existing conditions and services
Agendas and activities for community engagement workshops and public meetings
Facilitate procurement of additional team members including developers
Prepare a Transformation plan
EJP assists clients to implement the transformation plan on schedule and on budget. As program manager, EJP walks alongside clients to troubleshoot People, Neighborhood, and Housing components in the implementation process. EJP has extensive knowledge and experience with relocation and supportive services; City, neighborhood, and stakeholder engagement; and development from conception to completion.
Feasibility Assessment
Assess community readiness (capacity, partnerships, leverage, required data) and ability to meet threshold requirements
Determine suitability of target neighborhood boundaries and/or target housing site(s)
Conduct initial application score for competitiveness and focus
Grant Application PreparationÂ
Review of changes between current Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and past NOFO/A’s
Manage application process
Facilitate resident/community meetings
Write and edit narrative and prepare attachments
Packaged grant application
Post-Grant Technical Assistance/ Program Management Services
Negotiate Memorandums of Understanding and commitments with partner agencies
Develop job descriptions + assist with hiring
Identify data systems and methodology to collect, track and report data
Prepare People and Critical Community Improvements (CCI) plans for HUD approval
Assemble acquisition and disposition applications
Establish relocation procedures and associated relocation plans and policies
Assist with mixed-finance closings